Thursday, February 12, 2015

Me, Myself, or Them ...

Today I heard my Self say to my Self, “I wish I could write like __________.”

To which Self replied, “WHY?  Why would you want to write like someone else already writes?  Why don’t you want to write like YOU write?  Who else has your words?  Your thoughts?  Your styleeeeeee?”  (My Self loves the way Self says Styleeee ... but I digress ...)

Self replies, “Because.  I like the way  __________'s writing sounds.  It’s comical, it’s insightful, it’s inspirational.  It’s WHITTY.  I. LIKE.WHITTY."

Self immediately responds, "Hey!  You’re Whitty!”

“Really?  You think ... ?”

‘I think! But let me see if I can make sense of this another way.  Remember years ago when you were married and you and hubby opened all those COOL wedding presents?  Most were “one-of-a-kind" originals – but then, amidst those gifts, were a few duplicates.  What did you do with the duplicates – the five salad bowls that were exactly the same?  The four glass vases?  The three identical wedding scrapbooks?  The two turtle doves – that partridge in a pear tree?"  

Now Self interrupts, “Oh pulleeezzeee - Get on with it ...."

"Alright - Okay!  MY POINT IS THIS:  People aren't all that interested in a bunch of duplicate gifts – they like thoughtful originals.  One of a kind gifts are great!  Duplicate gifts are "okay" but think about it - often when someone gets the same gift from more than one person they keep one and return the other in exchange for something they don't already have - something they didn't already receive from someone else.  YOU, Self, are a one of a kind writer.  Nobody else has your words, your rhythm, your styleeee (there it is again!), your one of a kind thoughts as they pop into that brain of yours … 
  • Be YOU.
  • Write YOU.
  • Embrace YOU.

(PS – By the way, Self, it probably wouldn't have hurt to keep at least two of those glass vases – they were kinda' cool.  Just sayin’ …")