Wow - did you know there are almost 200 c. in a Red Robin Freckled Lemonade? Ouch. Add a refill and a meal ... and I ended up at 1681 c. for my "lunch" today. I'm thinking dinner better be some broth!
I'm taking a break from the heavier topics ... well, sort of. Talking about my weight lately is a "heavy" topic but ... not quite so deep.
As to the spiritual aspects of my life - I am going to try to do the "Let Go/Let God" thing and see what happens. I'm praying, listening, waiting and listening -- oh, and did I mention listening?
I'm glad it's Saturday ... but it's definitely a BUSY Saturday. I have a lot of "projects" in the works (filing, shredding, dusting, vaccuuming, cleaning in general) -- but I feel good that I'm getting a LOT done!
So now -- back to it. I'll writing again later when I have more to say ...
As always, I'll keep you posted ~
Awww man, I love those freckled lemonades. :-(