Monday, January 11, 2010

Habits and Hobbies ...

Life is stressful right now - nothing to go into on this blog but ... on the positive side of it:  I love the fact that I'm not eating to deal with the stress!  Nevermind that I can't overeat ... (ha) the point is .... I'm NOT overeating.

I've been thinking of late about the negative habit of overeating and how to not go back to that once my "pouch" has healed.  Soooo many regain their weight - as impossible as it might seem.  To go through such an extensive surgical procedure only to waste it away by returning to old habits.  I really want to spend this time when overeating really isn't an option - getting to the root of why I use food.  Maybe it served me once upon a time but I definitely don't need to use food as a coping mechanism any longer.  I'm not 13 yrs. old - I have age and experience to draw from now. 

I think the key, as some have said, is to replace a negative habit with a positive habit.  If overeating is my negative habit -- done out of boredom, stress, happiness, etc., - then what activity(ies) would I enjoy in place of food?  I love to write, I enjoy writing music and singing as well, I have some painting supplies that Chuck bought me last Christmas that I haven't had the guts to try out!  I also enjoy drawing - sketching, charcoals, etc.  Some of these things would be relaxing hobbies but it's strange.  If I grab something to eat I don't feel lazy ... if I sit down to do a relaxing activity I feel like I'm wasting time.  It makes no sense when I actually stop to think about it.  Really the only difference is that eating is unhealthy and drawing/writing might end up being something productive! 

I need to "allow" myself the opportunity to relax and not feel guilty about that.  Sure, you can eat while you are "doing" which makes it not seem "lazy" but ... relaxing need not be considered "lazy".  The key is to finish what needs to be done on time - and then ENJOY (allow myself to enjoy) some healthy leisurely activities.  In the long run I believe this can only make me more productive. 

But FOOD is not a productive activity.  It doesn't make me healthy, it doesn't make me happy, it doesn't give me energy, it doesn't make me feel better in the long run.  Junk food and unhealthy snacking only leads to feelings of disappointment in myself. 

A nice charcoal drawing?  Pride in myself!

Speaking of pride in myself - I'm now down 35 pounds ... technically almost 36 but ... it's that !*&4%  .8 pounds on the scale that goofs it up!  BUT - I am down from 227 pounds to 191.8 this morning.  I'm sooo close to getting under the 190's that I (dare I say it?  lol) ... can TASTE it!  ;-)

That's all for today - I'll keep you posted!


  1. I love hearing your progress, both physically and learning how to enjoy new freedoms. Way to go!
