About many things. But mainly death with dignity.
There are so many thoughts about one's decision to take their own life and die on their own terms. In a sense - Jesus did this. He knew his death was impending and he allowed someone else to take it. It really wasn't a "natural" death. How often does one "naturally" die a humiliating, agonizing death on a cross?
He surrendered to what He felt He had to do.
Brittany surrendered to what she felt she had to do.
I realize the personal opinion expressed on this blog this morning is somewhat controversial but that is what it is - my personal opinion. If one would say that we do not have the "right" to take a life - including our own -- that that is up to God only -- then again - in my opinion - that person must be consistent with this and follow through when it comes to any/all medical situations.
- Do not treat your child with medication when they're running a fever - trust God for healing.
- Do not have surgery or allow surgery to be performed on your child for any medical condition(s) - trust God for healing.
- Do not undergo chemotherapy in an attempt to treat cancer - trust God for healing.
- Do not euthanize a sick pet - trust God for healing.
- Do not take human measures and intervene to bring about a cure for what ails you - trust God for healing.
If I am ever diagnosed with a terminal illness I will strongly consider relocating to a state that allows one the right to choose the time of their death. I have been placed in the situation to face this decision with a few beloved pets in my lifetime. One of the main things their caring veterinarians said - when faced with the impending and certain death - was to try to determine when their own quality of life is being altered.
"At that point they count on you to selflessly end their life while they still have dignity."
I am of the opinion that Brittany chose to end her life while she still maintained her dignity.
I believe - at this point in my life - that I will do the same if ever faced with this decision/dilemma. I would definitely have an open dialog/conversation with my loved ones prior to this decision but it is definitely one I would never fault another for making.
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