1) "Cook Yourself Thin" - this GREAT new show is on Lifetime ... (http://www.mylifetime.com/on-tv/shows/cook-yourself-thin)
2) Hungry Girl - http://www.hungrygirl.com/
3) "Finally Thin" ~ Author: Kim Bensen (http://kimbensen.com/)
4) The Ultimate Weight Solution" ~ Dr. Phil
So sorry people ... I have a final coming up so I have had to keep my priorities in check as of late but -- coming soon (from Dr. Phil's book, "The Ultimate Weight Solution"):
KEY 1: "Right Thinking."
As always, I'll keep you ... "posted" ~
<3 'me'
Great list! I have been a fan of Hungry Girl for a while. Love getting their daily emails. My Tivo is loaded with episodes of Cook Yourself Thin! Can't bring myself to delete any yet...and this is only the first week! Gotta check out the other two. Good luck with finals!