It will probably come as NO surprise that we are in the company of some big (pardon that pun) names when it comes to our ongoing battle[s] with the bulge!
If you happened to be one of the millions of viewers who watched "Oprah" yesterday - you already know that her special guest was (the sometimes obnoxious -- always hilarious) Kirstie Alley! You've gotta' love this girl ... she's one of US ... well, those of use who are a part of "The Yo-Yo Sisterhood!"
** HEY!! That's IT! THAT will be the name of this blog ... "The Yo Yo Sisterhood!" ;-) Is it taken already? Quick - somebody please check!! Now, don't you feel special ... you got to be a part of the naming of our group! When we're famous for our whitty banter back and forth about the ups and downs of the pounds, we'll sit together on that Oprah stage and remember THE DAY our name was born! **
But ... I digress! My FAVORITE line in the show was when Oprah turned to Kirstie and said, "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'm still talking about it! Can you BELIEVE you're still talking about it?" ("It," of course, being her weight. The fact that "it" was still an issue after all these years!!)
You know ... to be honest ... one of my dreams is to one day be in conversation with somebody I've recently met and have the topic of weight come up. During that conversation I will sneak in the fact that I, "…used to weigh over 200 pounds but I have lost 70 pounds ... " (How do you like the way I put quotes around that statement as though it had already been spoken!? POSITIVE THINKIN' BABY! - but wait - the dream continues...)
... To which the other person will then exclaim, "YOU? NO WAY! I can't imagine YOU ever having had a weight problem!" Then of course I pull out my snap shot (yeah, that "before" photo that I'm refusing to have snapped right now - haha) ... as this unsuspecting soul (who has no clue I’ve been planning this conversation all my life – ha) attempts to pick their jaw up off the floor because they can't envision me ever having been overweight.
I DREAM OF THAT DAY! I believe it will happen! ;-)
Seriously! I am anticipating the day soooo much when I, Rebecca, the fat girl, is thin! [I believe I am anticipating that conversation more than I am anticipating shopping for new clothing!!]
I sincerely felt for Kirstie yesterday. And Oprah. And everyone else (including myself) who has ever felt SO CERTAIN that "THIS" was it! That “THIS” was going to be "the weight loss program to end the need for any future weight loss programs.” Up and Down / Up and Down ... some of us feel as though we live the existence of an elevator! HA
We will never be able to say we're done with this - we can't give up on ourselves and we can't get too comfortable after weight loss has been achieved. (We've all been there ~ you lose all the weight and vow to "get it under control if we see ourselves start to gain even 5 pounds back" - and then, like Kirstie said, "Five pounds turns to twenty five pounds!"
Yep - before you know it!
I absolutely HATE that feeling of being one of those who "gained it all back." It TOTALLY negates that awesome feeling when you've lost weight and someone who hasn't seen you in forever says, "Oh WOW - you look FANTASTIC! What did you DO?! HOW did you lose so much weight?!"
So even though, at times, it might seem difficult (after several attempts) to continue to believe in yourself - I'm here to say ...
We HAVE to believe in ourselves. BELIEF! It's the stuff that dreams and goals are made of!! :-)
Keep on keepin' on and, as always, I'll keep you ... POSTED!
I finally read the "small print" and found a way to comment daily on the comments...does that make sense ?
ReplyDeleteThat day WILL come! I will be telling you how jealous I am because you are so skinny and athletic. :)