- to reach a state or level of little or no growth or decline, esp. to stop increasing or progressing; remain at a stable level of achievement; level off: After a period of uninterrupted growth, sales began to plateau.
- to cause to remain at a stable level, esp. to prevent from rising or progressing:
Well, I'm fighting just a little bit of discouragement this morning because my scale is moving slower and I've been stuck in the 160's for one month now. I have heard that plateaus are common at this point but hearing about it and experiencing it are quite different.
I was 160.4 this morning ... soooo close to breaking out of the 160's ... and yes, I know it will happen. I just don't know when and, of course, I want it now ... (my good ol' "microwave mentality" working overtime).
When I really stop to think about it, I think the real "issue" I'm dealing with is confidence that it will happen. I can exercise patience while going through this process [I wonder if this type of exercise burns calories? ;-) ] -- I just need not panic and/or lose confidence in myself and/or my surgery.

The one thing I do not want to overlook during this process is the amount of learning and growing taking place. I have learned - and am learning - sooo much about myself, about nutrition, about the benefits of exercise, about finding out what really makes me happy, what hobbies I like, how I want to spend my time. I find myself reassessing my goals and my priorities -- knowing full well that losing weight isn't this panacea for all of life's issues. Life is great, life is work, life is fun, life is hard, life is challenging, life is rewarding.
Becoming a thinner person on the outside really isn't a cure-all for boredom, for low self-esteem, etc. I think many people go into this life change (gastric bypass) believing it will fix whatever is bothering them. I'm certain that, initially, I felt the same. Fortunately, I had very beneficial pre-surgical counsel that enabled me to address some of the reasons I used food for more than nutrition/sustenance.
Maybe it's true that "once upon a time" I used food as a comforter, a reliever of boredom, a "drug" if you will. I was younger then ... it served a purpose. Unfortunately, at 14 (the point at which I can remember using food for the first time to make me feel better), I didn't have the life experience to know that a break-up with a boy really wasn't the end of the world. I know now that it's okay to be sad when sad things happen ... you don't have to put up a false bravado. As the song says, "Everybody hurts sometimes."
When I was younger I placed this unrealistic, self-imposed expectation on myself that it wasn't "okay" to show emotion when you were hurting. I don't really know why I felt this way - I just did. I can distinctly remember being so embarrassed the day after this boy broke up with me ... I didn't want anybody to know I was sad. I was embarrassed about my feelings and, even though I'd been up all night crying, I can remember splashing my face with cold water and putting baby powder under my eyes on my cheeks to hide the puffiness - and of course using Visine to ... "get the red out!" [ha] Seriously -- WHY couldn't I just admit what I was feeling and say, "No - he broke up with me on the phone last night." Break up's happen to teens alllll the time but - I felt ashamed, embarrassed ... embarrassed at having been "dumped" and ashamed that I wasn't stronger in dealing with my feelings. Maybe just a good cry and a talk with my best friend would have been the key to a lifetime of much better health and ... much smaller thighs? :-)
Maybe it's true that "once upon a time" I used food as a comforter, a reliever of boredom, a "drug" if you will. I was younger then ... it served a purpose. Unfortunately, at 14 (the point at which I can remember using food for the first time to make me feel better), I didn't have the life experience to know that a break-up with a boy really wasn't the end of the world. I know now that it's okay to be sad when sad things happen ... you don't have to put up a false bravado. As the song says, "Everybody hurts sometimes."
When I was younger I placed this unrealistic, self-imposed expectation on myself that it wasn't "okay" to show emotion when you were hurting. I don't really know why I felt this way - I just did. I can distinctly remember being so embarrassed the day after this boy broke up with me ... I didn't want anybody to know I was sad. I was embarrassed about my feelings and, even though I'd been up all night crying, I can remember splashing my face with cold water and putting baby powder under my eyes on my cheeks to hide the puffiness - and of course using Visine to ... "get the red out!" [ha] Seriously -- WHY couldn't I just admit what I was feeling and say, "No - he broke up with me on the phone last night." Break up's happen to teens alllll the time but - I felt ashamed, embarrassed ... embarrassed at having been "dumped" and ashamed that I wasn't stronger in dealing with my feelings. Maybe just a good cry and a talk with my best friend would have been the key to a lifetime of much better health and ... much smaller thighs? :-)
Live and learn. I am learning to cut myself some slack now ... I was young. I didn't know any better. I kept things to myself. I "used" food to make me feel better. I can so vividly remember eating sooo much food that summer - I was quite a bit heavier in 1 mos. time. This is probably all "repeat" information ... I don't know. But anyway ...
The bottom line is that, when you know to do better - you do better. I may not have known better at 14 years of age how to deal with my emotions - good and bad - but I know better now. There are so many healthier ways to respond to feelings and emotions - whether they be positive or negative, be it boredom, joy, frustration ... and overeating is not the healthy way to deal with any of those.
Anyway - so here I sit. So close to breaking the 160 pound mark I can (pardon the pun) - taste it! [lol]
All of my personal goals are within reach and I will reach them! As to this plateau ... maybe it will break tomorrow, maybe by Friday, maybe within a few weeks ... heck, maybe this plateau will last another month ... who knows!?! But ...
If I work my plan -- my plan will work.
It will. It's time to exercise patience - and I will remember my favorite verse - the one that has never failed to make me feel better, to help me to regain my perspective, to remind me to rest and put my faith back in God - where it belongs - and pay attention to what is really important:
All of my personal goals are within reach and I will reach them! As to this plateau ... maybe it will break tomorrow, maybe by Friday, maybe within a few weeks ... heck, maybe this plateau will last another month ... who knows!?! But ...
If I work my plan -- my plan will work.
It will. It's time to exercise patience - and I will remember my favorite verse - the one that has never failed to make me feel better, to help me to regain my perspective, to remind me to rest and put my faith back in God - where it belongs - and pay attention to what is really important:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
That's all for this morning but, as always, I'll keep you ...
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