We are currently a 'DISH' subscriber and I really like their service.
However, I have come to the realization that when our last chicken flies the coop we are going to have way too many TV channels in this house for the two of us. Lately, Chuck and I just haven't really had a lot of time for television viewing. Ben has enjoyed the NBA playoffs, etc., but really -- it's kind of a waste.
So I am in the process of downgrading our television cable and, come mid-July, I think we'll be saving quite a bit on our television subscription.
The "Deliberate Days" month of May really was good for me. I have about 4 books that I'm either reading or getting ready to start and I just cannot get enough reading material to satisfy me. I'm remembering how much I loved reading as a child. We would go to the San Lorenzo Public Library and I would always look forward to checking out "The Little's" or a book about magic or ventriloquism! I just couldn't get over the fact that these were FREE for me to borrow ... oh, how I loved the library! :-)
Writing has also been a lot of fun but I am absolutely clueless where to go with my writing. I lack skill when it comes to using proper grammar, punctuation, etc. I also lack creativity when it comes to creating make believe. Poetry is a breeze but it's not my passion.
I am working on the short story I submitted to Women's World. It was rejected (sigh*) and I had filed it away in the 'won't work' folder but then I realized that was a little silly. Why not just work on it some more - it's kind of a cute story/idea if I do say so myself. While I don't mind the rejection letter (okay, that's a lie - it did sting!), what I minded was the fact that there was no explanation. I'm certain that's standard but I would sure like to know why it wouldn't work. I'd like to have corrective criticism, helpful feedback, advice. I know a busy/big magazine doesn't have time for that so ... my next step is to enroll in a creative writing course at the college.
Ultimately I would love to have the time available to attend college at Chico and finish my BA with a major in English. After that I would reallllllllly love to get my Master's in creative writing ... and who knows? Maybe this will happen. Chuck will be retiring in three years or so and if we get some things paid down between now and then who knows what the future holds? ;-) Maybe we'll free fly it and try out some new places to live. I'm not sure California is where I want to live out my senior years but we definitely want to be here and close while our mom's are still with us. And, of course, we want to be nearby once the grandbabies start to come along. That isn't in the near future as of right now but who knows when the kids will meet and marry that "special someone"?
I am looking forward to being a grandma someday and I know Chuck will enjoy that because he never had an opportunity to spend much time around babies and it's something he missed. We had talked about having one child together after we married 12 years ago but with my having had a tubal after Ben it would have been not only risky at my age but also too expensive. Chuck has treated the kids as if they were his own while never trying to take away from the relationship they have with their dad and he has been an amazing father figure for each of them. I really scored in the husband lotto the second time around.
Life has been good to me and I realize with every passing day how blessed I am. That sounds cheesy and cliche but I'm okay with cheesy and cliche because blessed is the word that fits best.
So here I sit in front of this computer. My youngest took his last high school final today. (Technically tomorrow is the last day but he has already completed all of his finals so ... his high school career is behind him.) Five A's and one B (in Statistics). If you can get a B in Statistics with my genes coursing through your veins you can consider yourself amazing!! :-)
Okay so yeah, I am a proud mom. I'm the kind of mom who bugs people because I could go on for hours about my kids but ... they're just that great. And yeah, I'll also be "that" grandma who pulls her wallet out and the plastic accordian photo thingy flops down with all the pics of my grandbabies. I'm just giving you fair warning so be ready to deal with it and nod and say how adorable they are. Once I get your acknowledgement of what I already know I'll be good to go. (ha) Wow - this will be incredible birth control for my three kids should they ever read this blog. lol
Enough rambling for today - more soon ...
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
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