Yesterday my husband and I were in Raley's. Ben was still over at a friend's house finishing a final (project) for school and we were, once again, doing a trial run of the ol' 'empty nest' thing. Happening a lot lately ... it's weird.

One day while in Raley's (I remember we were in the meat department - ha) Daniel and Ben were going back and forth (told you it wasn't all peachy ... we had our not so "Mother of the Year qualifying" moments ... this was one) ...
So both of the boys were going back and forth - messing around, arguing, being loud, etc. I don't remember everything that happened, just that I was trying (stress TRYING) to shop. Raley's was definitely not my regular place to shop at that time but for whatever reason we were there. And it was on a weeknight and everybody was tired, cranky, hungry - probably HOT in Redding. Apparently I was a distracted shopper because at some point I turned back just in time to see Daniel-pants-Ben! They had been discussing Ben sneaking out of the house with baggy pants (not sure how I missed that one as that was one of my pet peeves) - but I missed it so Daniel thought he'd teach Ben a lesson. Daniel told Ben his pants were so loose he (Daniel) could pull them down.
Ben said, "You can not," Daniel said, "I can so."
Daniel could.
Daniel did.
I was sooo mad - mostly embarrassed - and ... well, you name it, I was. All I really remember was flagging down the nearest Raley's employee, asking if they would please put my cart (filled with dairy, meat and frozen products by this time) into their cooler in the back. I explained (after rapidly pulling UP Ben's pants .... thankfully the underwear had remained in tact during the fiasco) that I needed to run home for something and I promised to return shortly and pay for my groceries.
I'm not sure what I did at home -- I'm sure it included the "look" - the "lecture" ... whatever.
But today - in Raley's - walking through the meat department -- that memory cracked me up!
I just worried soooo much about what others thought of me as a parent, thought of my children as kids ... I worried wayyy too much. (If I had a "do-over" that'd be one thing I would definitely do-over. I'd chill SOOO much more.)
Really - my kids wouldn't believe this but reallyyy!! I just wouldn't freak out so much about what others thought of me. As Dr. Phil would say, "Don't worry about what others are thinking about you. Truth is - they're NOT."
So true.
Although I must confess I still worry (some) to this day about outward appearances ... it's getting easier. I worry less now that my "baby" is eighteen -- a lot of stress has been lifted as far as pleasing others is concerned.
People just really aren't paying that much attention to the rest of us ... they're too busy worrying about what we think of them.
Time to lighten up -- live life -- enjoy each day ... and recall those hilarious childhood moments that turned into great "remember when" memories!
Maybe this is why grandparents are so popular with the grandkids. They exhausted most of their overreacting and worrying about other's opinions during their child rearing years with their own kids. Now they realize how fast the time goes and they realize what other people think of them really is none of their business. ;-)
So -- here's to chilling out ... and tight waistbands forever!
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