Sunday, April 26, 2009

"Gullible's Travel's"

So ...

I'm in a co-worker's office the other morning while on a quick break from the phones. We were discussing our new "group lotto" tickets that several of us had gone in together to purchase. The dream? Obvious! We want to strike it rich when we cash in on the California Lottery!

In the middle of our conversation, my co-worker looks at me and says, "Didn't you hear? The Lotto has been cancelled. California sold all the tickets!"

I said, "Seriously? Shoot! I was feeling lucky this time around." She looks at me, smacks me on the arm and says, "NOOOO - I was just joking!"

(I thought, but didn't verbalize out loud, "Oh brother .... NOT AGAIN!")

You see -- this is the way it is: Ever since I was little I have never (ever) gotten a punch line. Really. After a while people were on to me and they realized I was clueless about the "funny" they were telling. It became the in thing to switch up the punch line (to something nonsensical) just to see if I'd laugh anyway. Here I was thinking I was fooling everybody when in reality I was being fooled. It's pretty funny looking back on it ...

As an adult? Yes, I've been called "gullible." I've been called "naive." In Jr. High I was even called "Doris Day" for a while (haha ... I love that one.)

I love a good joke as much as the next guy but just so ya' know: I prefer to have a few minutes to digest the first part of your joke before you throw the punch line at me. That way I can decipher whether the thing is really funny or whether you're just trying to do the "mock" punch line to allow ME to be the actual joke.

So - if you ever decide to tell me a funny don't be surprised if I walk away for a while, then come back to you and start laughing 10 minutes later. It's really okay. I'll get it ~ eventually.

More later ~
'me' :-)

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