Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lactose Intolerance

The movie "Milk" has apparently caused quite a stir.

Have I seen it yet? No. I am still reeling from the effects of "Marley & Me" ~ which I said I wouldn't watch and then rented a day later. Go figure!?

Back to the flick: Over the course of the past few months I have been listening. I have been watching. I have been observing. Irritated, impatient drivers flipping me off as they zoom past. And what is that I see on their rear bumper as they leave me in the dust? Why, it's a cute little picture of a fish with greek graffiti on his abdomen. I’ve observed many self professing men of God publish pious pieces of literature supposedly surrendered to a Heavenly Father … but unable to be kind to their own earthly brother.

Believers ... what the heck?

I've heard the judgmental, cruel, hostile remarks and read the articles about homosexuals.

But I have a friend. A dear friend whom I love. This friend would give you the shirt off their back – in fact, if you needed it they would give you their back!

My friend is gay. This friend shared that recently, while holding a "No on 8" sign near a busy intersection in our town - a car full of individual's shouting "Jesus Saves" called them "f-ing fa**ots" while symbolizing a mock drive-by with their finger shaped guns.

Would my friend ever step into a church? Probably not. Not yet anyway.

Why? Because this friend has experienced so much hatred, so much cruelty, so much insanity from those professing to be Christians. Sometimes I am ashamed to be associated with the whole lot.

We all have our “thing.” Some of you reading this have stolen. Some of you have had an abortion, some of you struggle with alcohol, gluttony, drug abuse, gambling, conceit, hatred.

Need I say more? Probably not – but I will.

Various situations cause me to recall a passage from the Good Book, found in the NIV translation in Matthew, chapter 22, verses 24-28:

"You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel. Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisees. First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside will also be clean."

Writings about those who had a tendency to be so Heavenly minded (in their own eyes) that they were no earthly good.

Jesus was the One who called them out when they were ready to pick up rocks and hurl them at a “lesser” woman. (Lesser in the opinion of the crowd that had gathered to kill her.) Jesus told them in John 8:7:

"If any of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."

As I recall the end of that story – he bent down and doodled something in the sand (perhaps anonymously started writing the “silent stuff” of those in the crowd?). One by one we are told they begin to walk away - the older ones first, until only Jesus was left. Alone. With the woman.

In verse 10 it says, "Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" "No one, sir,"she said. "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. Go now and leave your life of sin."

I believe she did.

I know I did. When I met Jesus and He showed me love. He loved me anyway - when others condemned me for my life of sin.

Were Jesus' words vindictive? Shaming? No. But there were a few things that really stood out to me in that story ... "Jesus" and "leave your life of sin."

Jesus had the power to handle it! He was not happy when others picked up rocks to stone. He was not happy with her life of sin. But – HE handled it. I get the picture that He let those who thought they were doing Him a favor know that their assistance was not needed – nor appreciated.

What ever happened to speaking the truth - in love?

Recently I’ve had rocks in my hands. Not directed at those who are homosexual – directed at those who, I feel, have wronged me.

I have not shown love – I have shown hatred, I have condemned.

I fall so short.

We fall so short. WE … the children of "little faith." We just don’t think God is big enough for this world. We cannot let go and let God. We say we pray for those who need Jesus … but what’s the point if we don’t pray and then shut up a while and LISTEN!? Such one sided conversations.

Do we ask Him how He would have us treat those who are different? Really?

What would He do? Do we know? Really?

We think Jesus needs our testy tongues, our murders at abortion clinics to eliminate doctor's. As if this type of behavior really solves any problem? I swear the devil just smirks and says, “I don’t have to work too hard – the Christians are running them away from God for me." He thrives on HATE. It's the gas that fuels his fire.

We turn people away while patting ourselves on the back. We share stories in pews amidst "Amen’s" and "Ah-Ha’s" … and then we go back to our homes and show our true selves … selves in need of a loving, forgiving God. We need Him as much as any drug addicted, suicidal, murderous, alcoholic, gambling, angry, pregnant unwed, … (the list is endless).

I have come to believe that my friends REALLY need a loving Jesus. The same Jesus that extended His hand to a tax collector who was hated by the masses in his day. The same Jesus who stands there at the foot of a tree after we have chased a gay person out on a limb. The same Jesus who lovingly offers to help them down & then go to their house to share a meal.

Would I do that? Would you do that?

He shares His love. He loves them to Himself. We are His hands, we are His feet - the only "bible" some people will ever read.

Would you respond with interest if someone said, “Hey! I really hate you. I think everything about you is repulsive. But do you wanna' be a part of my family!? Yeah, you suck but my Dad is great!” We really expect them to want to join our churches and become part of God's spiritual family?


That's totally confusing to me. I guess we feel better about ourselves and our stuff if we can call out those who have "stuff" that we consider a little higher up on our “yuck” scales.

Let’s not kid ourselves. I know some of you reading this have marriages that have been on the rocks at one time or another. I was there during my first marriage. Some reading this have shared with me that your spouses are addicted to pornography, that you’ve wanted to have an affair. Some of your children think their last name is a four letter word.

Sure, we may look all “prettied up” on Sunday but beneath the façade … we don’t deserve a Heaven anymore than those whose sexual preferences differ from our own.

Conservative writings about a movie such as “MILK” may highlight the fact that some in the world are “Lactose Intolerant” but I believe there is a powerful, spiritual Lact-Aid … and it’s called love.

Take as often as needed -- God’s pharmacy is open 24 hours a day!

“Speak the truth in love.”

1 comment:

  1. Wow. What a great, powerful expression of your feelings and thoughts about this topic. I was practically in tears by the end. I am proud of you for blogging what you believe! :)
