Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Run That By Me Again?

My (almost 14 year old) son detests running. [We’re talking detest with a capital “D” here!] ;-)

So … you can imagine my surprise when he climbed into the backseat of the car one afternoon a few weeks ago and announced, “Hey Mom! I’d like to try out for the track team this spring!”

Eyeballing him as best I could from my rearview mirror (you can’t be too obvious with these things!), I attempt to say with a straight face, ‘Ummm, sure bud. What’s her name?’

His eyes grew almost as big as his shoe size (which, let me tell you, is becoming unreal these days!) and he says, “Huh!? What!? Whose name!?” I reply, “The name of the girl that is giving you the motivation to want to RUN, in our heat, for the first time in like …. forever!”

He looks both ways (the obvious, “Are you kidding me!? She knows?!?” look!), and he responds, ‘No seriously, I really want to run!’

Ignoring the motherly urge to pull a ruler out of thin air at this point to measure his nose, I manage to suppress the grin and say, “Seriously now. Do I LOOK like I was born yesterday?” (And yes, I did hear my own mother’s voice coming out of my mouth as I said it – ha). He finally surrenders and says, “Oh alright! Her name is _____.”

It was funny, and cute … and I cannot believe I am this old! I have had two sons, over the course of two months, ask me if I am interested in meeting a “girl’s” mother! I’m sure the other mothers’ eyes are rolling as well and that they are probably feeling the same way I feel.

I guess for now … we’ll just RUN with it!

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