Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Flex Activities"

So -- the finish line is in view and I'm running like a cheetah to break the ribbon ... but the last lap in this particular race (i.e. course) is making make me quite winded! We are required to do something called, "Flex Activities." If you saw me attempting a push-up or toe touch you would know, immediately, that I am not very "Flex-able" these days! ;-)

Okay, so the project for my Psych class this semester doesn't actually require THAT kind of flex-ability but ... nevertheless. Wouldn't you have to agree that was a great segue into a rant about diets? lol

Ahhh - the dreaded "d" word. Yes, I need to be on yet another one. I don't want to be on yet another one. But - I have ceased to weigh myself because I cannot see past my ever increasing belly to view the numbers on the scale. No, I'm not pregnant ~ it wouldn't be THAT simple. I'm afraid this is simply a gestation of Reese's and Oreos and it NEEDS to be delivered in 9 mos. (sigh*)

I finally decided - once and for all - THIS is it. I have thrown down my own gauntlet! I have also decided that it is far less painful to just look in the mirror, admit that I'm no where near where I want to be and avoid the scale at all costs right now. Why deal with a number that screams, "You have at least 75 pounds to lose ..."

It's obvious I am not at my goal weight. When I get close and start to like what I see more ... THEN I'll venture onto the box with the numbers. Until then -- I'll check out the mirror and I will blog. THAT is my plan for the time being ...

I'll keep you posted ~ and maybe, just maybe, I'll post a "before" picture ... ("after" I'm at my goal weight! ha)


1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the big D and the blogging! I love blogging, it's my newest obsession.
