Thursday, December 31, 2009

31 down ... 71 to go! ;-)

My blog is so jumbled and behind.  I did pretty well while I was in the hospital jotting little notes and thoughts here and there on whatever paper I could find (which was usually the back of a page in a notebook given to me by the hospital to read up on my procedure, etc.)

Anyway - I figure I will fill in the blanks as I can later and go back and update some of the previous days' posts but for now I'm just going to catch up on the here and now and try to stay on top of things from this point on.  It will be more accurate and much easier to follow!  :-)

I am now 5 weeks post gastric bypass.  I am down 32 pounds ... can I get a "YAHOOO?!"  ;-) 

Water is still a battle for me ... but I'm working on this.  I'm also almost out of multivitamins so this is something I will need to purchase ASAP.

Food intake wise I'm doing pretty well.  There are many things I can eat and enjoy -- as long as I chew sooo thoroughly it's crazy -- and chew slowly as well.  Obviously, I do not eat sugar, high fat foods, anything carbonated, etc.  That really hasn't been too difficult of an adjustment - although I must admit that it's the smells that get to me.

Most of my hunger, I am realizing, is emotional and mental.  If I smell something good - I want it.  Whether or not I am truly hungry.  I can't eat it - I won't eat it - but it is interesting to be able to recognize what true hunger is and know that what I am experiencing when I want a food because it's "there" - or because it smells good - that it's simply something I need to recognize as a habit I need to work on.  Right now I cannot consume too much food ... but at some point down the line I will be able to have that "whatever" - and I need to learn NOT to have it just because it smells good, just because it's there ... just because I want it.

Also, I have learned to eat protein first ... before anything else.

I have also been learning how to drink liquid 30-45 minutes before or after a meal but not with a meal.  This is important for both hunger reasons and nutritional absorption reasons. 

I will say - I have been SUPER thirsty lately.  I know I'm not getting enough liquid in and this is going to be a problem if I don't figure it out.

This morning I weighed 195 pounds -- down from 227 pounds.  I really want to discipline myself to stop weighing every morning because I think by doing so I'm not able to really enjoy the losing.  If I waited a week and saw a 3-5 pound weight loss (give or take a few pounds) than that would be so much more exciting than seeing a pound here and there daily.  I'm missing the excitement of a large amount on the scale because I'm weighing daily...if that makes any sense.

I am able to move more freely already - even after only 32 pounds of weight is gone.  I cannot imagine how much better I will feel physically when 70 more pounds is gone!  I am realllllllly anticipating this. 

Yes, I want to look better, yes I want to wear nicer clothing but ... the thought of moving more comfortably, feeling healthier, not having sore/achy joints ... THAT sounds like heaven right now!  :-)

More later ~ and as always I'll keep you ... "posted"!

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