Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Can't Believe I Ate the Whole Thing

I just wanted to tell you that there is a LOT of food on the "Biggest Loser 30 Day Jump Start" program. (Too much food right now.) This morning I made "Egg Foo Yung" - made with egg white(s) and LOADED with veges. It really did taste delicious! But add to that a large tangerine, a slice of toasted "Ezekiel 4:9" bread and an 8 oz. glass of milk (I sooo love my milk!) ... & phew. I'm feeling fulllll!
If you are a person who, like me, always feels like they are starving on a "diet" ... feel that way no more. You will be pushing the plate away feeling SOOO much satisfaction. Or - you'll just plain feel totally stuffed! :-) But that beats feeling so hungry that you're constantly thinking of your next meal, right? With this program that is not the case!

I think I “get” where they’re going with this ~ they want people to have big, bulky breakfasts to heal their dead (or dying) metabolisms from the "ghosts of diets past!" (lol)

So – if you find my metabolism sitting at my desk but find that I am missing … you’ll know which one of "us" survived!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This is NUTS!

I have lost 3 1/2 pounds!

(I won't be checking the scale again for a while - but I'm happy to see my weight headed in the right direction. Woo Hoo!)

Lately I've been focusing in on: 1) Figuring out how to post these blogs about life (& realizing I still have a lot to learn about blogging); 2) Spending the time (more time than ever before in my life) making a serious decision as to what I am going to do to achieve my weight loss goal once and for all!

This is it. I am NOT interested in anything "quick fix" and/or "fad." I am not going to rush this process - I'm going to fix what I have been doing wrong.

Going into this, my final weight loss journey, I weighed in at 211 pounds. I know that I wasn't planning on checking the scale but decided I want to be able to celebrate where I came from once I have arrived at where I'm going to. (Personally, I am always bugged by those who have lost weight who then say, "I don't know what I weighed at my heaviest."

Huh? You don't know?! For reals??! Shoot. No fair! I'm cryin' FOUL on this! I - the cheerleader - am now left feeling gipped. I want to scream, "How can you not know? I NEED to know your starting weight so I can compare it to mine and see if you weighed then what I still weigh now." Somehow it helps me feel more "hopeful" if I know others started heavy and succeeded!

Losers owe us THAT much! haha

So you see: I checked the scale for all of you! (ha)

Anyway - 211 pounds. That is the most I have ever weighed without looking forward to losing 25 pounds following the pregnancy! ha

211 pounds is not okay. That is where I began. This morning I was 207 1/2. Still not "okay" for me @ a height of 5'3" -- but the scale did not go up! THAT is something! Focus on the positive -- that's one of my goals!!

Dr. Phil ALWAYS says, "You can't change what you don't acknowledge." I needed to acknowledge my starting point. It was tough to swallow but - that's okay. I faced it and now I'm moving forward.

Though I have started with the food intake portion of this my final weight loss program, I'm still fine tuning some things as far as exercise, getting to the root of why I "use" food for enjoyment instead of using food for fuel. I am taking what I consider to be the best of some of the programs out there. I am following "The Biggest Loser 30-Day Jumpstart" for the food portion of this program. I am working through Dr. Phil's, "Ultimate Weight Solution" book to deal with some of the reasons I use food for ... well, for the many things I use food for (combat bordom, deal with emotions - good and bad - etc.), and then in a few days I will be adding the FDA approved non-prescription Alli weight loss capsule.

The first chapter in "The Ultimate Weight Solution" goes over the importance of "Getting Real About You and Your Weight." It really IS important to face the music. My favorite line in the book thus far is found on page 13 in the very first chapter, "You've known for a long time that you were going to have to get real about fat or stay real fat."

(Rather than rewrite the book here I will simply say - READ IT. I'm still in the process of reading it but can already recommend! If you have EVER been on a diet and regained the weight you still have a thing or two to learn. And you're not alone. So please - read the book along with me!)

I have so much to say but I need to "condense" so I will suffice it all to say this: This will be a process, a journey. It is an "event" in my life and I am already enjoying it! It isn't going to be easy - and it's not going to be fast. It's going to take work, commitment, time, patience and digging. Digging deep. But I can do this.

I entitled this post, "This is nuts" for a couple of reasons. The first is because I am finding some of the most difficult things for me to pass up are nuts. Walnuts, almonds, pecans. You name it. I really love nuts. And nuts have healthy protein ... in moderation. However, if I knew how to eat in moderation I wouldn't be where I am today. So - I have to learn ... EVERYTHING in moderation. I need to walk away from those nuts calling out to me from the kitchen cupboard and if I cannot walk away - THEY need to walk away - in my hand ... straight to the trash!

The second reason I entitled my post, "This is NUTS" is because I had a dear friend say to me that I was an idiot. An idiot for putting my life on display for others to watch me fail.

Hmmm - I hadn't thought about this blog in that way! (ha) Seriously, I hadn't. And I could totally see where she was coming from. Those who know me well at all know this battle of my bulge has been ongoing for many years.

My track record isn't the hottest for overcoming obesity but ... as Kim Bensen says in her (excellent) book, 'Finally Thin,' "Just remember ... the only way you'll never lose weight is if you stop trying."

About 6 months ago, I thought I had stopped trying. Really. I told myself 'never again.' I thought I was done with diets and that I would just settle for being overweight. I was sick of deprivation, fads, feeling hungry, eating prepackaged "stuff" - etc.

But I can't settle like that. No way. I tried to have a conversation with myself as if I were conversing with a friend like you who was asking for my honest feedback/advice. If I had a friend who was overweight and he or she asked me if I thought they should settle for a life of obesity I would say, "No way - you're so much better than that! You can do this! Don't ever give up on yourself! You WILL SUCCEED."

Having that conversation with MYSELF in the miror made a lot of difference! I told myself what I would tell anyone of you ... keep on keepin' on! Move forward. Never, ever give up!

So - I am keepin' on. If I keep trying I won't fail. I won't give up. I will succeed.

And along the way I'll keep you ... posted! :-)

Run That By Me Again?

My (almost 14 year old) son detests running. [We’re talking detest with a capital “D” here!] ;-)

So … you can imagine my surprise when he climbed into the backseat of the car one afternoon a few weeks ago and announced, “Hey Mom! I’d like to try out for the track team this spring!”

Eyeballing him as best I could from my rearview mirror (you can’t be too obvious with these things!), I attempt to say with a straight face, ‘Ummm, sure bud. What’s her name?’

His eyes grew almost as big as his shoe size (which, let me tell you, is becoming unreal these days!) and he says, “Huh!? What!? Whose name!?” I reply, “The name of the girl that is giving you the motivation to want to RUN, in our heat, for the first time in like …. forever!”

He looks both ways (the obvious, “Are you kidding me!? She knows?!?” look!), and he responds, ‘No seriously, I really want to run!’

Ignoring the motherly urge to pull a ruler out of thin air at this point to measure his nose, I manage to suppress the grin and say, “Seriously now. Do I LOOK like I was born yesterday?” (And yes, I did hear my own mother’s voice coming out of my mouth as I said it – ha). He finally surrenders and says, “Oh alright! Her name is _____.”

It was funny, and cute … and I cannot believe I am this old! I have had two sons, over the course of two months, ask me if I am interested in meeting a “girl’s” mother! I’m sure the other mothers’ eyes are rolling as well and that they are probably feeling the same way I feel.

I guess for now … we’ll just RUN with it!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Buck Stops Here

When faced with the question, “Who left the ____ in the car” (you can fill in the blank with any number of items) – my two boys are notorious buck passers! Even if their name is ALL OVER an item they try to finagle a way out of being responsible.

This was never so apparent as a few weeks ago.

My husband went out to clean our vehicle and came back in the house with “that” look on his face – well, that look and two somewhat empty hot chocolate cups from our local coffee barista. I took the cups from him and proceeded to take off the lid – almost losing it as I emptied the contents into our kitchen sink.

I immediately summoned our two boys to the kitchen to inform them that the rest of the car clean-up would be entrusted to their care. While I was - once again - reminding them of the need to be responsible for their personal things, I mentioned that, in this case, the cups had been left in the back seat and the milk had curdled. Not one to miss a beat my 13 yr. old piped up and said, “See – it wasn’t me – it was him (pointing a finger at his brother)! I didn’t order curdled milk!”

Monday, April 27, 2009

Masks On, Masks Off?

(CNN) – “The World Health Organization on Monday raised its pandemic alert level in response to the outbreak of swine flu that originated in Mexico.”

A simple reminder to me not to sweat the small stuff … “…thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.”

Sunday, April 26, 2009

"Gullible's Travel's"

So ...

I'm in a co-worker's office the other morning while on a quick break from the phones. We were discussing our new "group lotto" tickets that several of us had gone in together to purchase. The dream? Obvious! We want to strike it rich when we cash in on the California Lottery!

In the middle of our conversation, my co-worker looks at me and says, "Didn't you hear? The Lotto has been cancelled. California sold all the tickets!"

I said, "Seriously? Shoot! I was feeling lucky this time around." She looks at me, smacks me on the arm and says, "NOOOO - I was just joking!"

(I thought, but didn't verbalize out loud, "Oh brother .... NOT AGAIN!")

You see -- this is the way it is: Ever since I was little I have never (ever) gotten a punch line. Really. After a while people were on to me and they realized I was clueless about the "funny" they were telling. It became the in thing to switch up the punch line (to something nonsensical) just to see if I'd laugh anyway. Here I was thinking I was fooling everybody when in reality I was being fooled. It's pretty funny looking back on it ...

As an adult? Yes, I've been called "gullible." I've been called "naive." In Jr. High I was even called "Doris Day" for a while (haha ... I love that one.)

I love a good joke as much as the next guy but just so ya' know: I prefer to have a few minutes to digest the first part of your joke before you throw the punch line at me. That way I can decipher whether the thing is really funny or whether you're just trying to do the "mock" punch line to allow ME to be the actual joke.

So - if you ever decide to tell me a funny don't be surprised if I walk away for a while, then come back to you and start laughing 10 minutes later. It's really okay. I'll get it ~ eventually.

More later ~
'me' :-)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Everything Old Is New Again ....

"Make new friends

But keep the old

One is Silver


The other is Gold."

(Above poem written by: Somebody else - not me - don't know who -
sorry author person, whoever you are --
'cause I'm just too tired to look your name up right now! ha)

I received a message on my answering machine from a friend and I returned the call tonight! I'm so happy I did! (Thanks for calling and you know who you are!)

I hung up the phone and immediately thought, "Everything old is new again!"

Life is funny. Funny "surprising," funny "haha," funny "amazing!" It's just plain funny!

And fun.

I am really tired tonight so I am off to bed but I just want to remind all of you to cherish friendships. Having a true friend involves risks sometimes - we have to make ourselves vulnerable and it feels a little uncomfortable at first to be "real." (Any "Velveteen Rabbit" fans out there?)

But I'm working hard at this ... and you don't need to have a BAZILLION friends but ... you do have to be ONE!

Good Night! More soon ~

Friday, April 24, 2009

How You Live

Wake up to the sunlight

With your windows open

Don't hold in your anger or leave things unspoken

Wear your red dress

Use your good dishes

Make a big mess and make lots of wishes

Have what you want

But want what you have

And don't spend your life lookin' back

Turn up the music

Turn it up loud

Take a few chances

Let it all out

You won't regret it

Lookin' back from where you have been

'Cause it's not who you knew

And it's not what you did

It's how you live

So go to the ballgames

And go to the ballet

And go see your folks more than just on the holidays

Kiss all your children

Dance with your wife

Tell your husband you love him every night

Don't run from the truth

'Cause you can't get away

Just face it and you'll be okay

Turn up the music

Turn it up loud

Take a few chances

Let it all out

You won't regret it

Lookin' back from where you've been

'Cause it's not who you knew

And it's not what you did

It's how you live

Oh where you are and where you've been

Now is the time to begin

So give to the needy

And pray for the grieving

E'en when you don't think you can

'Cause all that you do is bound to come back to you

So think of your fellow man

Make peace with God and make peace with yourself

'Cause in the end there's nobody else

Turn up the music

Turn it up loud

Take a few chances

Let it all out

'Cause you won't regret it

Lookin' back from where you have been

'Cause it's not who you knew

And it's not what you did

It's how you live

(as performed by: Point of Grace)

"Condense" - ation

Okay - so I'm really trying! I have many things I'm working on condensing these days!

  • My body
  • My e-mails
  • My voice mails
  • My new blog

How in the world do people get things stated or verbalized in less than 15,000 words? ;-) It beats me.

I am working on condensing my body == a diet

I am working on condensing my voice mails == a muzzle

But condensing my e-mails and blogging? It's beyond me at this point. I guess if I wore boxing gloves or somethin' I'd be limited in the amount of characters I could produce at the keyboard but ... is that really practical?

I'm working on it though ~ I'll keep you ... (dare I say it?) ... POSTED! ha

"Keep It Simple Stupid"

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Defeat isn't an option ... "

This evening I am trying to determine just how many blog postings are allowed on a daily basis. Not literally. I'm just wondering at what point constant blogging causes others to "think me a lazy slug?" ha I'm thinking I'm still in the 'safe zone' for now ... it's the novelty of it (pardon THAT pun!).

Alright - I'll get right to the heart of the matter. The first line in "Grey's Anatomy." To quote Meredith Grey:

"Defeat isn't an option!"

PERFECT! Okay, not "original" (obviously, I plagerized but ... it's okay if you admit it, right?)! It really seemed perfect for my blog tonight before bed. There were a couple of good lines in the show ... that just happened to be the opener. It was so ideal as I'm embarking on this ~ my FINAL weight loss challenge ~ that it had to be included in here!!

One of the things I want to do as I work off this weight is get to the bottom of the issue ... since my bottom has been the issue farrrr tooo long! To that end (geeeze - I seem to be developing a theme here! ... ha) ... I want to journal more.

As a teen I used to write for hours on end before turning off my bedroom light and going to sleep. Never mind I had no social life in high school (ha). I felt SO in touch with my thoughts, my feelings, my hopes, my dreams. I can, literally, remember thinking as a girl of about 15 yrs. of age, "I will never need a shrink - I know myself sooo well."

Wow - those were the days. I definitely cannot say the same thing now (that I know myself so well). Funny. Somewhere between the first contraction and 20+ years later I think I lost a bit of myself ... though I gained a lot of pounds. It's not a bad thing to change ... there are those life experiences I wouldn't change for the world. It is, however, a bad thing to change and not know exactly when it occurred ...

About seven days ago, I decided to begin journaling again so I pulled out a dusty notebook to do so. Then I got to thinking about a blog. Hey, it's almost the year 2010, right? "Get with the times, mama!"

When I was a "kid" - blogs didn't exist. [I know, I know ... I'm dating myself now. I will, however, break the cycle and not tell you I walked up a hill and back, through snow, to school. The honest truth is: I got a ride back! ha]

Ahhh - I digress. Where was I? Oh yeah, so I begin thinking (scary thought, I know): What about a blog? What if...?

.... What if I could help others as I try to help myself? Obviously I'm not the only one wanting to/needing to lose weight. Commercials for Slim Fast, Nutri-System, Jenny Craig, Alli, Gastric Bypass [yada yada yada] abound! I am certan there are others of you out there. It's not some secret Roswell society (ha).

What if I posted a blog and, while I work things out, I let the world in? The worst thing that could happen is .... ? Hmmm?? I don't know ... it hasn't happened yet so my guess is ... "there's no 'worst thing' - go for it!"

Here I go. Are you strapped in? Hold on tight!

A few weeks back, I sent a family member an e-mail. I was somewhat "forewarned" by my hubby that this might be a letter to save to the "drafts" file and mull over for a while. So - I mulled. Well ... I mulled so long the cider became proof! I sent the e-mail after about 10 days (give or take a few).

Perhaps I should have taken a few more? ;-) Because ... after sending that e-mail I realized ... wow. I have a lot of bitter feelings about things ~ a lot of anger. I'm not sure why but ... this revelation sort of surprised me. Another "revelation" was that ~ while I felt better after 'writing' the letter [and this is important for those of you with letters in your "drafts" file ... ] ~ I did not necessarily feel better after 'sending' the letter. (You are so totally sworn to secrecy! Not a word of this to my husband. He doesn't need to know he was right! lol)

Live and learn. Oh! And maybe at some point send an apology?! I'm not there yet but ... perhaps. Right now all I have accomplished is the "opportunity" to experience "awkward feelings at future family gatherings" ... (oh joy?)!

Anyway - along with the journaling idea I thought maybe I would pull out Dr. Phil's, "Ultimate Weight Loss Challenge" book. It's here .... somewhere in my library of weight loss books that apparently you have to READ for them to work. (NOTE: That type of information SHOULD be posted on the front cover somewhere! ha). But I was watching a recorded episode and he talked about the "7 Keys" and ... right now those might come at a good time for me. I'll let you know. Enough about Dr. Phil [but I still want to meet him someday - just an aside ;-) ].

Back to other great lines from Grey's (and yes, I'll try to tie things together in time ...)

He: "...that's what I'm feeling today - shame."
She: " Good. That's a start."
He: "HOW is that a start?"
She: "You NAMED it! The feeling. Ya' have to know what it is
before you can start to navigate to somewhere better."

Ooooh - that was good. I do feel shame. Not just shame but ... that's there. So ... that particular line grabbed my attention. I do feel shame.

And though you wouldn't be able to "see" it by looking at my exterior right now ... I am a perfectionist. Not being "perfect" is an extremely difficult concept for me to accept.
"Nobody's perfect," I hear. Yeah? Well, hearing that is similar to how you feel when your teen says, "Why can't I go to (fill in the blank)? So and so is going." To which you, all good mothers and fathers reply (say it with me now ...), "Yeah, well so and so is not my kid!" [How funny - I seriously HEARD you say it just now ~ haha!]
So yes, maybe "nobody's perfect" but ... that doesn't mean it's any easier for me to swallow. And ... I get very irritated with people who let me know (especially with a "look") that they recognize my imperfection and that it bugs them, too.

I don't like judgemental people .... yet I am judgemental.
I guess it is really true that what bugs us a lot about other people is often times something we need to work on in ourselves. Not sure as I haven't made it that far in the psych book yet ~ but I've heard that is true on "some" level. I'll get back to you on that one! ha ;-)

Wrapping this up (and not sure I tied loose ends but ... eventually I will).
One last thing before I retire off to bed tonight. I have this piece I do want to add because it sums up how I feel about wanting to get back to "that place" where I felt ... clearer. I was more connected to my goals, more grounded, more connected to what I believed was God's plan for my life, more connected TO God, more connected to who I was, where I was going, what I wanted to "be when I grew up."

The following is an excerpt the movie, "PROOF" with Gwyneth Paltrow. Enjoy.

"How many days have I lost? How can I get back to the place where I started? I'm outside a house, trying to find my way in. But it is locked and the blinds are down, and I've lost the key, and I can't remember what the rooms look like or where I put anything. And if I dare go in inside, I wonder... will I ever be able to find my way out? "

I can. I will.

Would you like to come along on this journey with me? I'm inviting you and I do so hope you will accept. After all ~ "the journey is the reward!"

"We are all travellers in the wilderness of this world,
and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend."

"Flex Activities"

So -- the finish line is in view and I'm running like a cheetah to break the ribbon ... but the last lap in this particular race (i.e. course) is making make me quite winded! We are required to do something called, "Flex Activities." If you saw me attempting a push-up or toe touch you would know, immediately, that I am not very "Flex-able" these days! ;-)

Okay, so the project for my Psych class this semester doesn't actually require THAT kind of flex-ability but ... nevertheless. Wouldn't you have to agree that was a great segue into a rant about diets? lol

Ahhh - the dreaded "d" word. Yes, I need to be on yet another one. I don't want to be on yet another one. But - I have ceased to weigh myself because I cannot see past my ever increasing belly to view the numbers on the scale. No, I'm not pregnant ~ it wouldn't be THAT simple. I'm afraid this is simply a gestation of Reese's and Oreos and it NEEDS to be delivered in 9 mos. (sigh*)

I finally decided - once and for all - THIS is it. I have thrown down my own gauntlet! I have also decided that it is far less painful to just look in the mirror, admit that I'm no where near where I want to be and avoid the scale at all costs right now. Why deal with a number that screams, "You have at least 75 pounds to lose ..."

It's obvious I am not at my goal weight. When I get close and start to like what I see more ... THEN I'll venture onto the box with the numbers. Until then -- I'll check out the mirror and I will blog. THAT is my plan for the time being ...

I'll keep you posted ~ and maybe, just maybe, I'll post a "before" picture ... ("after" I'm at my goal weight! ha)


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lactose Intolerance

The movie "Milk" has apparently caused quite a stir.

Have I seen it yet? No. I am still reeling from the effects of "Marley & Me" ~ which I said I wouldn't watch and then rented a day later. Go figure!?

Back to the flick: Over the course of the past few months I have been listening. I have been watching. I have been observing. Irritated, impatient drivers flipping me off as they zoom past. And what is that I see on their rear bumper as they leave me in the dust? Why, it's a cute little picture of a fish with greek graffiti on his abdomen. I’ve observed many self professing men of God publish pious pieces of literature supposedly surrendered to a Heavenly Father … but unable to be kind to their own earthly brother.

Believers ... what the heck?

I've heard the judgmental, cruel, hostile remarks and read the articles about homosexuals.

But I have a friend. A dear friend whom I love. This friend would give you the shirt off their back – in fact, if you needed it they would give you their back!

My friend is gay. This friend shared that recently, while holding a "No on 8" sign near a busy intersection in our town - a car full of individual's shouting "Jesus Saves" called them "f-ing fa**ots" while symbolizing a mock drive-by with their finger shaped guns.

Would my friend ever step into a church? Probably not. Not yet anyway.

Why? Because this friend has experienced so much hatred, so much cruelty, so much insanity from those professing to be Christians. Sometimes I am ashamed to be associated with the whole lot.

We all have our “thing.” Some of you reading this have stolen. Some of you have had an abortion, some of you struggle with alcohol, gluttony, drug abuse, gambling, conceit, hatred.

Need I say more? Probably not – but I will.

Various situations cause me to recall a passage from the Good Book, found in the NIV translation in Matthew, chapter 22, verses 24-28:

"You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel. Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisees. First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside will also be clean."

Writings about those who had a tendency to be so Heavenly minded (in their own eyes) that they were no earthly good.

Jesus was the One who called them out when they were ready to pick up rocks and hurl them at a “lesser” woman. (Lesser in the opinion of the crowd that had gathered to kill her.) Jesus told them in John 8:7:

"If any of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."

As I recall the end of that story – he bent down and doodled something in the sand (perhaps anonymously started writing the “silent stuff” of those in the crowd?). One by one we are told they begin to walk away - the older ones first, until only Jesus was left. Alone. With the woman.

In verse 10 it says, "Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" "No one, sir,"she said. "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. Go now and leave your life of sin."

I believe she did.

I know I did. When I met Jesus and He showed me love. He loved me anyway - when others condemned me for my life of sin.

Were Jesus' words vindictive? Shaming? No. But there were a few things that really stood out to me in that story ... "Jesus" and "leave your life of sin."

Jesus had the power to handle it! He was not happy when others picked up rocks to stone. He was not happy with her life of sin. But – HE handled it. I get the picture that He let those who thought they were doing Him a favor know that their assistance was not needed – nor appreciated.

What ever happened to speaking the truth - in love?

Recently I’ve had rocks in my hands. Not directed at those who are homosexual – directed at those who, I feel, have wronged me.

I have not shown love – I have shown hatred, I have condemned.

I fall so short.

We fall so short. WE … the children of "little faith." We just don’t think God is big enough for this world. We cannot let go and let God. We say we pray for those who need Jesus … but what’s the point if we don’t pray and then shut up a while and LISTEN!? Such one sided conversations.

Do we ask Him how He would have us treat those who are different? Really?

What would He do? Do we know? Really?

We think Jesus needs our testy tongues, our murders at abortion clinics to eliminate doctor's. As if this type of behavior really solves any problem? I swear the devil just smirks and says, “I don’t have to work too hard – the Christians are running them away from God for me." He thrives on HATE. It's the gas that fuels his fire.

We turn people away while patting ourselves on the back. We share stories in pews amidst "Amen’s" and "Ah-Ha’s" … and then we go back to our homes and show our true selves … selves in need of a loving, forgiving God. We need Him as much as any drug addicted, suicidal, murderous, alcoholic, gambling, angry, pregnant unwed, … (the list is endless).

I have come to believe that my friends REALLY need a loving Jesus. The same Jesus that extended His hand to a tax collector who was hated by the masses in his day. The same Jesus who stands there at the foot of a tree after we have chased a gay person out on a limb. The same Jesus who lovingly offers to help them down & then go to their house to share a meal.

Would I do that? Would you do that?

He shares His love. He loves them to Himself. We are His hands, we are His feet - the only "bible" some people will ever read.

Would you respond with interest if someone said, “Hey! I really hate you. I think everything about you is repulsive. But do you wanna' be a part of my family!? Yeah, you suck but my Dad is great!” We really expect them to want to join our churches and become part of God's spiritual family?


That's totally confusing to me. I guess we feel better about ourselves and our stuff if we can call out those who have "stuff" that we consider a little higher up on our “yuck” scales.

Let’s not kid ourselves. I know some of you reading this have marriages that have been on the rocks at one time or another. I was there during my first marriage. Some reading this have shared with me that your spouses are addicted to pornography, that you’ve wanted to have an affair. Some of your children think their last name is a four letter word.

Sure, we may look all “prettied up” on Sunday but beneath the façade … we don’t deserve a Heaven anymore than those whose sexual preferences differ from our own.

Conservative writings about a movie such as “MILK” may highlight the fact that some in the world are “Lactose Intolerant” but I believe there is a powerful, spiritual Lact-Aid … and it’s called love.

Take as often as needed -- God’s pharmacy is open 24 hours a day!

“Speak the truth in love.”

Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Just Be"

Don’t be thin
Don’t be fat
Don’t be this
Don’t be that

Just BE.

Don’t look back
With regret
Don’t be fearful
Don’t fret

Just BE.

Don’t dwell on
The past
The now flies
Sooo fast

Just BE.

Just BE here in
This moment
For a while

Look yourself in
The mirror

Gaze into
Your own eyes
What you see.

For once
In your life

Just … BE!

april 2009