Monday, March 22, 2010

Just one little pound away ...

Well - here I am ... just one measely pound away from a total of 60 pounds lost.  I'm back in the 160's and feeling better everyday.

Chuck said he would help me move the elliptical machine to a place where it's a little more easily accessible this evening.  (I guess this is a "good" thing ... except for the fact that it's going to take away my excuse for not using it! ha)  I'm actually starting to want to move more ... I'm wanting to firm up some of these "saggy" places and movement feels better these days.  I'm not sure how I moved @ 227 pounds but I'm glad that's not a number I will see on the scale again.  Ever. 

Yesterday I finally bought some underwear that fit (sorry if that's TMI).  The ones I have been wearing go up to my bra strap now (it's rather humorous actually ... but looks ridiculous under my new jeans). 

I'm not sure if I ever mentioned in here that I made contact with Dr. Felix's office (Advanced Bariatric in Fresno where I had my surgery).  I wanted to find out if my surgeon ever listed a "goal weight" for me in my chart and sure enough - he did.  It's a little lower than I had expected to go ... the goal weight set for me by Dr. Felix is 123 pounds.  I wonder if they are basing this number on the "height" they put down for me at my initial pre-op appointment - which was 5'1".  At the time I just found that humorous and figured they fudged on the height to enable my insurance to approve the surgery or something ... I never thought about the fact that the height number would affect the weight number.  I'm actually 5'2.5 (and every .5 counts when you're talking goal weight - ha)!!  :-)

Although a goal weight of 123 pounds sounds unrealistic to me (in the past I've felt like I would have to starve to achieve any weight under 125 pounds) - maybe things will be different this time around with the tool I have through the gastric bypass?  I'm not sure.  It threw me a little when I heard the number was actually 2 pounds LOWER than what I had set for myself ... if anything I thought they'd go for a number just a little higher than that.  But - it will challenge me -- and challenge is a good thing!

Right now I'm just going to keep losing and working to get closer to that goal and re-evaluate for myself how I feel about things when I'm at 135 pounds.  I can't believe that's only 33 pounds away from where I am right now.  This morning I was 168 pounds.  I'm still considered "obese" by the BMI Calculation charts but ... at least the word "morbidly" is gone from that now and I can see the end in sight. 

I have 45 pounds to lose to be at 123 pounds and that sounds SOOO much more do-able than the original 102 pounds I started out with! 

And yes - I'm smiling!

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